Prescription drugs
Travel with peace of mind, knowing you're ready to address any problematic medical situation.
If there’s one particularly bad time to contract an illness, it’s when you’re abroad. Our healthcare professionals can prescribe the medication you need for your trip, if your situation so warrants.
Traveler's diarrhea
Commonly known as tourista, traveler’s diarrhea occurs in response to bacteria, viruses and sometimes even parasites.
Although often associated with the Caribbean, Mexico or South America, traveler’s diarrhea also strikes tourists visiting Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
If you’re planning a trip to one or more of these parts of the world, it’s likely that your healthcare professional will recommend an antibiotic or Dukoral®.
Dukoral® is an oral vaccine administered a few weeks before your departure to help you make the most of your trip.

Present on the African continent and in Asia, but also closer to home in the Caribbean, Central and South America, malaria is a serious infectious disease with the potential to cause real damage to health.
Since it’s transmitted by the bite of a mosquito, it’s imperative that you take every precaution to keep them away.
In addition to these measures, it is likely that your healthcare professional will recommend an anti-malaria medication appropriate for your trip.
Acute mountain sickness
Specific to stays at altitude, acute mountain sickness causes symptoms severe enough to disrupt your activities.
Prescribing preventive medication is one of the best ways to reduce the impact of this condition.
Depending on your state of health and your chosen destination, your healthcare professional may prescribe medication to prevent acute mountain sickness.