Our vaccination clinic for international travelers offers you the opportunity to benefit from the advice of our team of nurses and doctors.
Among the many things to consider before going abroad are accommodation and travel. Depending on the region of the world you’ll be visiting, you may need to take certain vaccinations, medications and other preventive measures before you leave. Here’s how our vaccination, medical consultation and prescription services can help the traveler in you.
Your health and safety should be at the forefront of your travel planning.
Depending on the type of trip you are planning, certain vaccines may be strongly recommended or even mandatory.
There's no worse time to contract an illness than when you're traveling, so make sure you're fully equipped to deal with it.
To help you plan your trip, here is a list of pathogens circulating in different parts of the world.
To help you plan your trip, here is a list of pathogens circulating in different parts of the world.
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