Vaccination Pneumococcal infections

Vaccination Pneumococcal infections

Pneumococcus is a bacterium found in the respiratory tract of many people. This bacterium is transmitted from person to person, most often through contact with secretions from the nose or throat. It can cause several types of serious illness, including bacteremia, meningitis and pneumonia.

In children, the frequency of serious pneumococcal infections is higher in those under 2, and in those with chronic illnesses or conditions such as splenectomy or cochlear implant. Mortality caused by this bacterium in children under 13 is 2%, but rises to 6% in the case of meningitis and up to 44% in the case of bacteremia with septic shock, despite treatment with antibiotics. Pneumococcus is also a frequent cause of otitis media and sinusitis in children.

In adults, the mortality associated with this infection is mostly related to the advanced age of the sufferer, the presence of chronic diseases or conditions such as splenectomy and the presence of a cochlear implant. In some groups, mortality can be as high as 40% in the case of bacteremia, and 55% in the case of meningitis, despite treatment with antibiotics.

Source: Public Health Agency of Canada