COVID-19 and Travel | Week of April 20, 2020
In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic that can cause a serious illness called COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019), many Canadians are still abroad. You were the first people we thought of when we came up with the idea for this weekly newsletter. Here are a few tips and resources to help you in your particular […]
Interview with Dr. Dominique Tessier | Shingles after covid?
Did you know that there is a correlation between the risk of developing shingles and covid? Dr. Dominique Tessier, our Medical Director, shares details of a new study highlighting the possibility of reactivating shingles after having had covid. The best way to prevent shingles is always immunization with a vaccine. The Shingrix vaccine is safe […]
Interview with Dr. Dominique Tessier | Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a possible manifestation of shingles
Dr. Dominique Tessier, Medical Director of Groupe Santé Voyage and a specialist in family medicine, gave an interview to Radio-Canada to shed light on one of the possible manifestations of shingles, Ramsay Hunt syndrome. We’ve also seen popular singer Justin Bieber forced to postpone his North American tour following his diagnosis. Statistics show that up […]
COVID-19 and Travel | Newsletter introduction
In these times of crisis, we’re sensitive to everything you’re facing: your questions, concerns, and above all your health and that of your loved ones. What we should never accept, however, is information that is incomplete, ambiguous or just plain wrong; crisis or not. A wise decision is based on accurate information, and we’ll need […]
Vaccination surges of 21 %
MARTIN LAFRENIÈRELe Nouvelliste Trois-Rivières – The latest flu vaccination campaign run by the regional CIUSSS has borne fruit. As of December 24, 2019, the various vaccination clinics had welcomed 20.8% more citizens than on the same date in 2018. Vaccination clinic activities began on November 1. As of December 24, 2019, 45,221 people had received […]
Son of an anti-vaccine, this measles survivor has a message for you
After surviving measles, a young American whose parents decided not to vaccinate him wants to tell his story to alert the public to the fact that there’s nothing trivial about this disease… and that he’s lucky to be alive to talk about it. Joshua Nerius, 30, is an IT product manager in Chicago. Three years […]
Don’t leave without them
Any prescription or over-the-counter medication you usually use (duplicate) Medical certificate from your health care provider stating that the medication (and syringes, as the case may be) are for medical use. Destination-specific medication, such as malaria, altitude sickness or motion sickness. Oral rehydration salts sachets Thermometer Anti-allergic, such as an antihistamine, or epinephrine prescribed by […]
Safety standards abroad
Find out more before you go!Standards of safety, hygiene and medical care in foreign countries may not be the same as in Canada. These differences could have serious consequences for your health, complicating your access to medical care abroad. The Government of Canada has created a brochure entitled “A good start”, available at the […]
Consultation checklist
Votre voyage : Itinéraire: Il est important de détailler précisément chacun des endroits où vous allez séjourner. Exemple : une information sur le nom de la ville ou du village où se trouve votre hôtel, plutôt que le nom de l’hôtel ou de la chaîne hôtelière. Si vous avez une carte géographique démontrant la région exacte, apportez-la lors de […]
Beware of measles in France and Italy
Canadians and Americans traveling in Europe, particularly France and Italy, need to make sure they are up to date with their measles vaccination, according to a new study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. Babies from six months to one year of age should be vaccinated early, and travel before six months should be delayed […]